Monday, February 28, 2005

Ironies of life

I referred my friend Tom Nourse to an internship at Google. We both interviewed recently (him last week, me the week before). Apparently it was for the same position and he got it.

It's great for him - don't get me wrong. Just wholely ironic.

Still interviewing. It's almost bad I'm leaving the country next week - but not really.



Anonymous said...

On the one hand, yeah, so it'd be cool to work at Google again this summer. On the other hand, you're uh ... GOING TO QATAR what???1?

I know you know. But still. STIIIILLLL.


lws said...

everything will be just fine....

just blog hopping.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry sweetie... but this opens up other places for u too- u get to see how other places work


bryan said...

yeah, I think going to IBM this summer before going fulltime at Google next year will be a good for you, hehe