Monday, May 08, 2006

My problem with PayPal

I have a problem with PayPal. And I have a problem with cell phones.

My problem with cell phones is that when I have the cell phone in a side pocket (nail pocket on carpenter jeans, or in a cargo pocket), I forget the cell phone is there. I often want to wash the pants I'm currently wearing, so I'll take them off, and immediately put them in the wash. This means, in the past 3 years, I've washed 3 cell phones. Last night, I noticed before the cell phone had turned itself off, but after it was immersed. This morning, it's not doing so hot. So I need to order a new cell phone.

The "best" place to get a new cell phone is on eBay. It's also the only one I know about. And about the only way to buy a cell phone on eBay is with PayPal.

Most big PayPal sellers only ship to the address listed on your credit card. For me, my credit card address is my apartment. But I'm never at my apartment during the day to sign for FedEx. So basically, unless I point my billing address for one card at work, I can't get items I buy on eBay shipped to work.

PayPal used to confirm addresses by sending a letter to them and one just had to enter a special code from the letter to confirm an address. However, shipping only to billing addresses does add a certain level of anti-fraud protection.

It's right now that I miss soul-less apartment complexes that will sign for packages. But only right now.

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