Thursday, January 19, 2006

The best article I've ever read about Saudi Arabia

The New Yorker has an excellent article about life in Saudi Arabia.

I've heard from a Qatari friend that Saudi is really that surreal.

(Now on to a global perspective)

It's amazing, living on such a small earth, that we still have people who don't get real news, people who are censored, tribal people who have never seen TV, people who still can't get medical help. What will it take to really flatten the globe, to really have people get equal opportunity everywhere? Ubiquitous internet? Cheap travel? I'm serious, what will it take to have people in China not be censored? What will it take for food to not be wasted in the US, but reallocated months ahead to people who really need it? What will it take for people in rural Africa to get good medical care?


Helen said...

What will it take for people in rural Africa to get good medical care?

In this instance, and in all the ones you mentioned, it'll take many more people like my grandfather, who are willing to go above and beyond their professional duties and do things because they follow their hearts, not their pocketbooks.

How's that gonna happen? One person at a time, I guess.

Unknown said...

Excellent find, a great read, have just linked your post on my blog..